I used to write often - mainly as a way of procrastinating at work. Then my whole world got turned upside down when I decided to move to live with my now fiancé and soon to be husband. Gee that still sounds weird and our wedding is merely months away! Anyway, the move, hunting for a job - which was found (waitressing yet again), meeting new friends, drinking with said new friends, and occasionally cleaning the house kept me away from writing for... well... 3 years! Hey I never claimed to be a writer I just like writing - get off my back!
Why am I back then? I'm no longer waitressing... for now anyway... and I have a 9-5 desk job ... again. Which only means procrastinating my day away with words... again! Circle of life…at least in my world!
Now I'm happy to be away from the chaotic waitressing life but I've noticed over the years, when it comes to my jobs, I never seem to get away from two things - Asians (no offense there are just a lot of Asian tourist and I can't understand you) - and rude bitchy people! Now the rude bitchy people should be put on an island and just f*** off! A tip to the Asians tourists, hmmmm, first maybe learn most Canadians like and are used to their personal space therefore do not shuffle in herds too closely. A-Thank you!
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My inner clock thinks I'm 80 but my Brain DOES work at 5am!
After tossing and turning all night - apparently a gooey grilled cheese sammich is NOT a good midnight snack (note taken for tonight - have wine instead) - I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm which was set for 5am. I have no idea how I keep doing this, but I actually woke up that early, happy and ready for the day! Now I'm rarely up at 5am - unless it’s from the night before and I can count on one hand how many times I wake up willingly, without an alarm before 10 am. So at 5:15, I'm in the shower wondering if at a certain age your inner clock just starts getting you up earlier. Think about it, how many grandparents do you know that sleep in past 8 am? My grandfather was always up before the sun and the birds. So, after thinking about this all morning I've decided that I'm either overly anxious (my hubby comes home from Afghanistan very soon) - Maybe, just maybe the gooey grilled cheese provided me with energy all throughout the night carrying on into the morning - OR my inner clock is scarily way ahead of itself and deep inside I'm 80 years old. Eeep!
In my last post I mentioned this futuristic mascara. Well yesterday I decided that it wasn’t getting the best of me. With confidence I grab the mascara and open it - I’m now pretty sure it is not a faulty mascara but this really is how it’s suppose to look. I try it – even though it scares me – and it sucked! I had clumpy heavy eye lashes all day and by the end of the day my eyes were itchy. Said mascara is now in the garbage - Ha! I won!
In the famous words of Seacrest - Michellita out! I need a coffee – I guess the energy from my midnight gooey grilled cheese is finally wearing off!
In my last post I mentioned this futuristic mascara. Well yesterday I decided that it wasn’t getting the best of me. With confidence I grab the mascara and open it - I’m now pretty sure it is not a faulty mascara but this really is how it’s suppose to look. I try it – even though it scares me – and it sucked! I had clumpy heavy eye lashes all day and by the end of the day my eyes were itchy. Said mascara is now in the garbage - Ha! I won!
In the famous words of Seacrest - Michellita out! I need a coffee – I guess the energy from my midnight gooey grilled cheese is finally wearing off!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Futuristic make up and egg fashion?
Yesterday I decided to open brand new mascara! Yes my life is exciting right now so shutty. It’s my favorite brand of make- up (Clinique) so I was, or thought I was familiar with the product. Now I’m no make-up artist but I apply my own make-up rather well. After many years of applying mascara I didn’t even think to glance at the actual brush before applying, I merely take it out of the tube and apply. I stop myself before it hits my eye lashes as my subconscious yelled “Woah, what the eff is this”. I look at what is in my hand and there IS NO brush – it’s a yellow stick –no bristles, just a skinny yellow stick with black make-up on it. Thinking I may have received a faulty mascara brush, I slowly put the brushless stick back into the tube and walked away from my make-up table. I went mascara-less yesterday and today I went back to old faithful. Youngens of tomorrow if you are out there reading this, shed some light on this futuristic tube of mascara to an old lady who is not that old.
Speaking of futuristic, Lada Gaga arriving to the Grammy’s in an egg? Pardon me?! What the hell happened to the classy Grammy days of simple best and worst dressed? Now maybe I’m wrong, but to me, the Grammy’s were always about glamour and fashion, besides the obvious of course, being an award show for music and entertainment. The red carpet spreads wide and long for those fashionistas of the industry to show off their Dolces, Armanis, Puccis and Guccis. There was Jennifer Lopez showing off leg and ass fabulously in a silver sequence dress. Kim Kardashian barely fit her ass into her gold number, but as always, still looked smoking hot. But Lada Gaga and entourage arriving half nekkid and in disgusting flesh colored garb carrying an egg where Gaga was said to be ‘incubating’? Again, Pardon me?! How is THAT fashion? As weird as the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson was, did he ever show up in a womb incubating? Um no!

Saturday, February 05, 2011
Hiatus number 2 and do I smell Poop?
So ok, I said I was back after a long hiatus in my last post which was dated November 2009. It's now February of 2011. So what, I lied last time. Maybe I'm back now. Maybe I'm not *play mystery music*.
I have a sort of office job (again) which in my opinion gives me way more time for random thoughts and blogging time. I actually started blogging while bored at work (feels like forever ago but let’s not go there). Getting paid to blog you say? Sure am! Few weeks ago I watched football online - yup, at work! Ah the life. I do actually do my job... occasionally. But let’s be honest, you can't set the bar too high! That sets unreasonable daily goals which in turn will make your boss expect said goals and your colleagues potentially resentful. Moral of this story, some things never change. New city, new job, same me!
So, I've been dog sitting for a friend. Now I love animals and have wanted a dog for a very long time. Well, maybe not anymore. As cute as this dog is, she gets my clothes full of hair, she kicks me in her sleep (while dreaming), she farts and it stinks, she has crapped on the floor twice in a week and a half and most importantly she takes away from my drinking time! I mean, really! That is unheard of and frankly uncalled for! So yesterday, I worked 8 hours, which she was not so happily crated for that duration. I came home to no mess, but a very hyper dog. No problems yet. I took her for a brisk walk *read she nearly pulled my arm off which made me walk faster than I wanted*. Then I decided to go to a wine and cheese tasting event (please note I felt bad leaving the dog crated again - but it was wine! And Cheese!). I wasn't gone even 3 hours... and as I walked up the stairs (with a little wine buzz) I smell poop! DOG has not only pooped in her crate, but tried to maneuver around it causing it to squish and spread along the bottom of the crate and floor. Greaaaat! Since I'm not at my own house, I have to search for cleaning supplies and paper towel. Vim should work - it’s a bathroom cleaner! But no paper towel, only toilet paper to be found. Seeing as though toilet paper is thinner and god forbid I get any dog crap on my hands, I use a fair amount of toilet paper to clean up this smelly mess. After half a bottle of Vim and a full (double) roll of toilet paper, everything is clean. I sit down, pour (another) glass of wine, sigh, and put Cougar Town on (my favorite TV show). DOG goes to the front door and whimpers, which means take me out to pee - I mean she can't have to poop AGAIN right? Wrong! Out we go for number one and two! Reluctantly she comes back inside. Realizing she's inside for the night, she finally relaxes and cuddles with me - finally letting me have my wine! Ah!
I have a sort of office job (again) which in my opinion gives me way more time for random thoughts and blogging time. I actually started blogging while bored at work (feels like forever ago but let’s not go there). Getting paid to blog you say? Sure am! Few weeks ago I watched football online - yup, at work! Ah the life. I do actually do my job... occasionally. But let’s be honest, you can't set the bar too high! That sets unreasonable daily goals which in turn will make your boss expect said goals and your colleagues potentially resentful. Moral of this story, some things never change. New city, new job, same me!
So, I've been dog sitting for a friend. Now I love animals and have wanted a dog for a very long time. Well, maybe not anymore. As cute as this dog is, she gets my clothes full of hair, she kicks me in her sleep (while dreaming), she farts and it stinks, she has crapped on the floor twice in a week and a half and most importantly she takes away from my drinking time! I mean, really! That is unheard of and frankly uncalled for! So yesterday, I worked 8 hours, which she was not so happily crated for that duration. I came home to no mess, but a very hyper dog. No problems yet. I took her for a brisk walk *read she nearly pulled my arm off which made me walk faster than I wanted*. Then I decided to go to a wine and cheese tasting event (please note I felt bad leaving the dog crated again - but it was wine! And Cheese!). I wasn't gone even 3 hours... and as I walked up the stairs (with a little wine buzz) I smell poop! DOG has not only pooped in her crate, but tried to maneuver around it causing it to squish and spread along the bottom of the crate and floor. Greaaaat! Since I'm not at my own house, I have to search for cleaning supplies and paper towel. Vim should work - it’s a bathroom cleaner! But no paper towel, only toilet paper to be found. Seeing as though toilet paper is thinner and god forbid I get any dog crap on my hands, I use a fair amount of toilet paper to clean up this smelly mess. After half a bottle of Vim and a full (double) roll of toilet paper, everything is clean. I sit down, pour (another) glass of wine, sigh, and put Cougar Town on (my favorite TV show). DOG goes to the front door and whimpers, which means take me out to pee - I mean she can't have to poop AGAIN right? Wrong! Out we go for number one and two! Reluctantly she comes back inside. Realizing she's inside for the night, she finally relaxes and cuddles with me - finally letting me have my wine! Ah!
Friday, November 06, 2009
A day in the life of ... Me!
Today I felt like I was in my own little world. I woke up before my alarm (un-heard of in my world), I bought a coffee this morning and DIDN'T drink it (also unheard of), I brought my customer pepsi when they asked for ice tea and ice tea when they asked for pepsi... I just felt so out of whack. I did however find my pants! I have been looking for a pair of black pants that I usually wear to work for a week or two now. I thoroughly checked my car (I sometimes change in my car for ... however I've been yelled at as I do NOT have tinted windows, I say whatever), and I also checked my closet, under my bed and the laundry hamper... no pants. I had to resort to buying a $15 ghetto looking pair of black pants at walmart, which I'm pretty sure the crack head that just got fired a few weeks ago also owned. Either way, they were black pants to me and I wore them to work proudly. I am, however, glad to have my non crack head looking pants back!
So, for some reason today, the nova scotianer in me decided that having some drinks after work would be a good idea. I mean really, maybe it'll bring me back to reality. Suuuure! 3 drinks, not a big deal.... ok maybe it was four and I know the bartender so she charged me for 3! But the drink specials tonight were triples! Yah, that'll bring me back to reality all right! After drink number two I decided to call my mom and bitch and complain... about what you ask? Not sure, but at the time it was important to me! After the 3rd drink I decided to bitch and complain that the yankees won the series... I was cheering for the phillies... obviously! After drink number four I paid my bill and decided to go home. However my initial plan of the night was to run some errunds. I did nothing as I had planned, I did however find and purchased a cute puma sweater (like I need another)! When I got home I felt I needed to feel I accomplished something (other than purchasing my lovely sweater and my tolerance for alchohol) so I did some laundry... and grabbed another beer. A day in the life of I guess!
So, for some reason today, the nova scotianer in me decided that having some drinks after work would be a good idea. I mean really, maybe it'll bring me back to reality. Suuuure! 3 drinks, not a big deal.... ok maybe it was four and I know the bartender so she charged me for 3! But the drink specials tonight were triples! Yah, that'll bring me back to reality all right! After drink number two I decided to call my mom and bitch and complain... about what you ask? Not sure, but at the time it was important to me! After the 3rd drink I decided to bitch and complain that the yankees won the series... I was cheering for the phillies... obviously! After drink number four I paid my bill and decided to go home. However my initial plan of the night was to run some errunds. I did nothing as I had planned, I did however find and purchased a cute puma sweater (like I need another)! When I got home I felt I needed to feel I accomplished something (other than purchasing my lovely sweater and my tolerance for alchohol) so I did some laundry... and grabbed another beer. A day in the life of I guess!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Told you so!
So here I am... back after almost a 2 year hiatus! Gawd that's a long time. I'm surprised my blog is still here. Better yet, I'm surprised I remembered my password. What have I been up to in the past two years you ask?! A lot! I'm not going to give you details on it all but here's a few things: Im older (duh... as much as I wish to stop that process I am not jesus), I moved half way across the country for a boy, that boy is my fiance, although I am older I feel younger as I'm waitressing again, I have succumbed to the blackberry world and love it, and I have many new grey hairs!
Now that I'm writing again, even after only 5 minutes, I realize how much I missed it. My return may have been driven mostly by wanting to prove someone wrong, or at least prove a point ;) however, I can feel myself getting into this. My mind wanders on what to write next, what words to use, how to grab at least one readers attention. I love it. I'll most likely be on the look-out for material to write about at work tomorrow. So is this post to prove a point? Or am I back? Stay tuned... duh duh duhhhh!
Now that I'm writing again, even after only 5 minutes, I realize how much I missed it. My return may have been driven mostly by wanting to prove someone wrong, or at least prove a point ;) however, I can feel myself getting into this. My mind wanders on what to write next, what words to use, how to grab at least one readers attention. I love it. I'll most likely be on the look-out for material to write about at work tomorrow. So is this post to prove a point? Or am I back? Stay tuned... duh duh duhhhh!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Vacuums should have timers
After a very active and FUN weekend my body needed a rest. I was exhausted last night and my body felt like I had been hit by a bus. I took a nice warm bath and went to bed early. Great you say. Yes, I do agree. Until I was awoken this morning (earlier than my alarm) because my upstairs neighbour decided that 6am was the perfect time to vacuum. For some reason (unknown to me) this neighbour also feels it necessary to walk around with shoes on ... DAILY. These shoes are not slipper-type or soft sole - that would be fabulous. These shoes are clicky! Yes, clicky – like the kind you wanted to wear as a child when you were playing dress up with your mother’s clothes. This neighbour also walks abnormally heavily causing random stuff in our kitchen to rattle. This combination of clicky shoes, heavy walking and vacuuming at 6am deserves a special treat I think. Said treat could be a bag of flamming poo thrown onto her patio. Or maybe I will start throwing my basketball up in the air and make it bounce off the ceiling while watching TV. Or maybe a more generous route would be to knock on her door and hand her a nice soft pair of slippers.
Awhile ago, I bought a shirt as a joke to myself because I dated one guy 3 times (why I thought it would work the 3rd time - I have no idea). Nonetheless the shirt says , “I recycle boys – recruit, reject, re-use”. This weekend I realized that I really do this. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m bored or because I never end things correctly which always leaves loose ends of some sort. Either way, this weekend it resulted in FUN (see reference above) :)
Awhile ago, I bought a shirt as a joke to myself because I dated one guy 3 times (why I thought it would work the 3rd time - I have no idea). Nonetheless the shirt says , “I recycle boys – recruit, reject, re-use”. This weekend I realized that I really do this. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m bored or because I never end things correctly which always leaves loose ends of some sort. Either way, this weekend it resulted in FUN (see reference above) :)
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