Friday, November 06, 2009

A day in the life of ... Me!

Today I felt like I was in my own little world.  I woke up before my alarm (un-heard of in my world), I bought a coffee this morning and DIDN'T drink it (also unheard of), I brought my customer pepsi when they asked for ice tea and ice tea when they asked for pepsi... I just felt so out of whack.  I did however find my pants!  I have been looking for a pair of black pants that I usually wear to work for a week or two now.  I thoroughly checked my car (I sometimes change in my car for ... however I've been yelled at as I do NOT have tinted windows, I say whatever), and I also checked my closet, under my bed and the laundry hamper... no pants. I had to resort to buying a $15 ghetto looking pair of black pants at walmart, which I'm pretty sure the crack head that just got fired a few weeks ago also owned.  Either way, they were black pants to me and I wore them to work proudly.  I am, however, glad to have my non crack head looking pants back!

So, for some reason today, the nova scotianer in me decided that having some drinks after work would be a good idea. I mean really, maybe it'll bring me back to reality.  Suuuure!  3 drinks, not a big deal.... ok maybe it was four and I know the bartender so she charged me for 3!  But the drink specials tonight were triples!  Yah, that'll bring me back to reality all right!    After drink number two I decided to call my mom and bitch and complain... about what you ask?  Not sure, but at the time it was important to me!  After the 3rd drink I decided to bitch and complain that the yankees won the series... I was cheering for the phillies... obviously!  After drink number four I paid my bill and decided to go home.  However my initial plan of the night was to run some errunds. I did nothing as I had planned, I did however find and purchased a cute puma sweater (like I need another)!  When I got home I felt I needed to feel I accomplished something (other than purchasing my lovely sweater and my tolerance for alchohol) so I did some laundry... and grabbed another beer.  A day in the life of I guess!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Told you so!

So here I am... back after almost a 2 year hiatus! Gawd that's a long time. I'm surprised my blog is still here. Better yet, I'm surprised I remembered my password. What have I been up to in the past two years you ask?! A lot! I'm not going to give you details on it all but here's a few things: Im older (duh... as much as I wish to stop that process I am not jesus), I moved half way across the country for a boy, that boy is my fiance, although I am older I feel younger as I'm waitressing again, I have succumbed to the blackberry world and love it, and I have many new grey hairs!

Now that I'm writing again, even after only 5 minutes, I realize how much I missed it. My return may have been driven mostly by wanting to prove someone wrong, or at least prove a point ;) however, I can feel myself getting into this. My mind wanders on what to write next, what words to use, how to grab at least one readers attention. I love it. I'll most likely be on the look-out for material to write about at work tomorrow. So is this post to prove a point? Or am I back? Stay tuned... duh duh duhhhh!