Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Well well well what do we have here...

I used to write often - mainly as a way of procrastinating at work. Then my whole world got turned upside down when I decided to move to live with my now fiancé and soon to be husband. Gee that still sounds weird and our wedding is merely months away! Anyway, the move, hunting for a job - which was found (waitressing yet again), meeting new friends, drinking with said new friends, and occasionally cleaning the house kept me away from writing for... well... 3 years! Hey I never claimed to be a writer I just like writing - get off my back!

Why am I back then? I'm no longer waitressing... for now anyway... and I have a 9-5 desk job ... again. Which only means procrastinating my day away with words... again! Circle of life…at least in my world!

Now I'm happy to be away from the chaotic waitressing life but I've noticed over the years, when it comes to my jobs, I never seem to get away from two things - Asians (no offense there are just a lot of Asian tourist and I can't understand you) - and rude bitchy people! Now the rude bitchy people should be put on an island and just f*** off! A tip to the Asians tourists, hmmmm, first maybe learn most Canadians like and are used to their personal space therefore do not shuffle in herds too closely. A-Thank you!