Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vacuums should have timers

After a very active and FUN weekend my body needed a rest. I was exhausted last night and my body felt like I had been hit by a bus. I took a nice warm bath and went to bed early. Great you say. Yes, I do agree. Until I was awoken this morning (earlier than my alarm) because my upstairs neighbour decided that 6am was the perfect time to vacuum. For some reason (unknown to me) this neighbour also feels it necessary to walk around with shoes on ... DAILY. These shoes are not slipper-type or soft sole - that would be fabulous. These shoes are clicky! Yes, clicky – like the kind you wanted to wear as a child when you were playing dress up with your mother’s clothes. This neighbour also walks abnormally heavily causing random stuff in our kitchen to rattle. This combination of clicky shoes, heavy walking and vacuuming at 6am deserves a special treat I think. Said treat could be a bag of flamming poo thrown onto her patio. Or maybe I will start throwing my basketball up in the air and make it bounce off the ceiling while watching TV. Or maybe a more generous route would be to knock on her door and hand her a nice soft pair of slippers.

Awhile ago, I bought a shirt as a joke to myself because I dated one guy 3 times (why I thought it would work the 3rd time - I have no idea). Nonetheless the shirt says , “I recycle boys – recruit, reject, re-use”. This weekend I realized that I really do this. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m bored or because I never end things correctly which always leaves loose ends of some sort. Either way, this weekend it resulted in FUN (see reference above) :)

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