Saturday, February 05, 2011

Hiatus number 2 and do I smell Poop?

So ok, I said I was back after a long hiatus in my last post which was dated November 2009. It's now February of 2011. So what, I lied last time. Maybe I'm back now. Maybe I'm not *play mystery music*.

I have a sort of office job (again) which in my opinion gives me way more time for random thoughts and blogging time. I actually started blogging while bored at work (feels like forever ago but let’s not go there). Getting paid to blog you say? Sure am! Few weeks ago I watched football online - yup, at work! Ah the life. I do actually do my job... occasionally. But let’s be honest, you can't set the bar too high! That sets unreasonable daily goals which in turn will make your boss expect said goals and your colleagues potentially resentful. Moral of this story, some things never change. New city, new job, same me!

So, I've been dog sitting for a friend. Now I love animals and have wanted a dog for a very long time. Well, maybe not anymore. As cute as this dog is, she gets my clothes full of hair, she kicks me in her sleep (while dreaming), she farts and it stinks, she has crapped on the floor twice in a week and a half and most importantly she takes away from my drinking time! I mean, really! That is unheard of and frankly uncalled for! So yesterday, I worked 8 hours, which she was not so happily crated for that duration. I came home to no mess, but a very hyper dog. No problems yet. I took her for a brisk walk *read she nearly pulled my arm off which made me walk faster than I wanted*. Then I decided to go to a wine and cheese tasting event (please note I felt bad leaving the dog crated again - but it was wine! And Cheese!). I wasn't gone even 3 hours... and as I walked up the stairs (with a little wine buzz) I smell poop! DOG has not only pooped in her crate, but tried to maneuver around it causing it to squish and spread along the bottom of the crate and floor. Greaaaat! Since I'm not at my own house, I have to search for cleaning supplies and paper towel. Vim should work - it’s a bathroom cleaner! But no paper towel, only toilet paper to be found. Seeing as though toilet paper is thinner and god forbid I get any dog crap on my hands, I use a fair amount of toilet paper to clean up this smelly mess. After half a bottle of Vim and a full (double) roll of toilet paper, everything is clean. I sit down, pour (another) glass of wine, sigh, and put Cougar Town on (my favorite TV show). DOG goes to the front door and whimpers, which means take me out to pee - I mean she can't have to poop AGAIN right? Wrong! Out we go for number one and two! Reluctantly she comes back inside. Realizing she's inside for the night, she finally relaxes and cuddles with me - finally letting me have my wine! Ah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to see you are back on that horse, now keep at it!