Saturday, February 19, 2011

My inner clock thinks I'm 80 but my Brain DOES work at 5am!

After tossing and turning all night - apparently a gooey grilled cheese sammich is NOT a good midnight snack (note taken for tonight - have wine instead) - I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm which was set for 5am. I have no idea how I keep doing this, but I actually woke up that early, happy and ready for the day! Now I'm rarely up at 5am - unless it’s from the night before and I can count on one hand how many times I wake up willingly, without an alarm before 10 am. So at 5:15, I'm in the shower wondering if at a certain age your inner clock just starts getting you up earlier. Think about it, how many grandparents do you know that sleep in past 8 am? My grandfather was always up before the sun and the birds. So, after thinking about this all morning I've decided that I'm either overly anxious (my hubby comes home from Afghanistan very soon) - Maybe, just maybe the gooey grilled cheese provided me with energy all throughout the night carrying on into the morning - OR my inner clock is scarily way ahead of itself and deep inside I'm 80 years old. Eeep!

In my last post I mentioned this futuristic mascara. Well yesterday I decided that it wasn’t getting the best of me. With confidence I grab the mascara and open it - I’m now pretty sure it is not a faulty mascara but this really is how it’s suppose to look. I try it – even though it scares me – and it sucked! I had clumpy heavy eye lashes all day and by the end of the day my eyes were itchy. Said mascara is now in the garbage - Ha! I won!

In the famous words of Seacrest - Michellita out! I need a coffee – I guess the energy from my midnight gooey grilled cheese is finally wearing off!

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